Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I need a job.

"No more cakes until I have a full-time job and am settled into a more permanent residence."

It hasn't been very long since I first made that declaration; about three weeks, in fact. Oh, beloved cakes, I miss you. I need a job for obvious reasons like, you know, to pay bills, but today I'm really wanting one so I can again feel like a contributing member of society. Also, I'd like to use my free time to experiment with baking instead of write cover letters and tweak my resume. Blah.

Perspective employers: I've been in the habit of baking cakes and sharing them with my co-workers. Keep that in mind if you're considering skipping past my resume, please.

I got a new recipe for a better tasting fondant than the one I was using. Bonus. It's much cheaper per pound as well. Double bonus. But instead of merely opening the package, kneading it, coloring, and using it, you have to work a little harder and plan the project a little further in advance. Can't have it all, I guess. I make it sound worse than it is, to be honest. This stuff can be made weeks in advance because it stays fresh-tasting for a long time if stored properly.

The recipe came to me from a co-worker at my part-time job. I don't know what inspired her to take cake decorating classes, but what I do know is that I love having her around at work to talk with and bounce ideas off of. It's like an analog version of! Last week, I helped her out with royal icing, and in return, she is helping me with my fondant issues. I couldn't be more excited.

I just might have to break my self-imposed cake ban so I can try it out. I had a request for a small cake for next week, so I think I'm going to do it. I'll just have to keep lying to myself about how much time it's going to consume. Only a couple of hours. Yeah. (Wink, wink.)

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