Also for book club, this cake was made in the fall of 2009 after reading "Escape." It was the true story of a woman who escaped a polygamist cult and was one of six wives. It was a very emotional story, so I chose to lighten the mood with this wedding cake featuring a groom and six brides.
This is a cake I made for book club in September of 2009. We read "The Girls From Ames," so I made a cake like the one that was discussed in the book. It's a carrot cake with cream cheese icing.
The idea for these came from the book "Hello, Cupcake!" I took it to an impromptu gathering of friends during the summer of 2009 and everyone enjoyed them.
This cute little fella was my final class project for my Wilton Level II cake class in April of 2009. I wish I would've had more time to devote to it, but I was still in school, so that came first.
This is a "cake" I made for my friend Allison's birthday back in January of 2008. She wasn't a big fan of traditional cake, so I got creative and made a Rice Krispie Treat cake. It was a big hit.
I do. I can't help it. The truth is, I think I like baking and decorating cakes more than I like eating them. If that makes me crazy, then I guess you can call me Sibyl. I've become rather interested in the art in the recent months, and I have a feeling it's going to take complete control of my life soon.
For me, it all started back in 1996 during my first job at a locally-owned arts and crafts store. I worked evenings and weekends making balloon arrangements for all sorts of parties, but some of the time, I was asked to cover the cake decorating department. Watching my grandmother and mother bake and decorate cakes from time-to-time, I thought I could manage with no problem. It was, after all, in the blood, right? Wrong. Those crazy cake ladies spoke a foreign language and it wasn't long before I was talking cake-speak. Do you know what a filigree bell is? I sure as hell didn't. I do now.
It wasn't long before my employer offered to pay my way through one of their monthly cake decorating classes so I could become better acquainted with the merchandise. At 16, I was the youngest in my class, but I didn't mind. I learned some good things that I continued to use throughout the years in my casual encounters with my second-hand Kitchen Aid mixer. After moving back to my hometown to finish my Bachelor's degree, I was drowning in academia with the likes of Dostoevsky and Machiavelli. I soon found myself craving a creative outlet. The summer session of Intro to Ceramics was a good start, but it wasn't until I signed up for a second cake decorating class with my former employer that things started to make sense again.
Here, now, I sit surrounded with post-its reminding me of the cakes I've committed to make for the month. How did this happen? How did I get to be so lucky? Where do I go from here?
Thanks for taking time out of your busy life to see what's happening in mine. Like every new blogger, I would love to know you're out there reading about what's on my mind. Take a minute to say, "Hello," and please, stop by again soon.